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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 1-12 of 12 items.

    Prime name: SEVERNYI

    Variety number VIVC: 11545

Show rows:
Source codeOriginal title (access to prime names)AuthorBibliographical sourceYearCultivar name as given in bibliographyPage
36Ampelography of USSR, Vol. 1-6FROLOV-BAGREEV, A.M.; NEGRUL, A.M.; BLAGONRAVOV, P.P.Staatlicher wiss.-techn. Verlag des Ministeriums für Lebensmittelproduktion1946-1956SEVERNYIVol. 5, p. 259
40482BÖLN-Projekt: Weiterentwicklung von Wissenstransfer- und Informationssystemen zur nachhaltigen Nutzung rebengenetischer RessourcenRÖCKEL, F.; MAUL, E.; TÖPFER, R.in preparation2014-2016SAPERAVI SEVERNYISuppl.
518Development of national programmes on plant genetic resources in Southeastern Europe - conservation and sustainable use of grapevine genetic resources in the Caucasus and Northern Black Sea regionMAGHRADZE, D.2006SEVERNYI114
505Dictionnaire Encyclopédique des CépagesGALET, P.Hachette2000SEVERNY733
854Dictionnaire encyclopédique des cépages et de leurs synonymesGALET, P.Éditions Libre & Solidaire (M.E.C.)2015SEVERNYI1016
322Growing grapes in MinnesotaMACGREGOR, D.Minnesota Grape Growers Association1991SEVERNYI54
56Kratkaya Ampelografiya Severnykh rajonov vinogradarstva - kurze Ampelographie nördlicher Weinbaugebiete der UdSSRKIRILLOVA, F.F.; LAZAREVSKII, M.A.; KUZMIN, A. YA.; RAMMING, A.A.; KOMAROVA, E.C.; ZAKHAROVA, E.I.; EVDOKIMOV, V.YA.; DASHKEVICH, A.V.Raionov Vinogradarstva, Moskva1952187
77Rebenzüchtung (Russ.)AIVASIAN, P.K.; DOKUCHAEVA, E.N.Verlag der Akademie für Agrarwissenschaften, Kiew1960147
229Selektsiya Vinograda v SSSR - Rebenselektion in der SSSR (Russ.)NEGRUL, A.M.Pishchepromizdat, Moskow1955SEVERNYI123
40503USDA GRIN Germplasm Resources Information NetworkANONYMOUSUnited States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service2016SIEWIERNYJ
40858Verification of grape pedigree by microsatellite analysisKARASTAN, O. M.; MULIUKINA, N. A.; PAPINA, O. S.Cytology and Genetics 52 (5) 331-342 2018SEVERNII333
760Wine grapes. A complete guide to 1.368 vine varieties, including their origins and flavoursROBINSON, JANCIS; HARDING, JULIA; VOUILLAMOZ, JOSÉPenguin Books Ltd.2012SEVERNY990