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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC

History of prime name changes

Prime name: KOBER 5 BB
Variety number VIVC: 6313
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
    Show rows:
    New variety number VIVCNew prime nameOld variety number VIVCOld prime nameRemarksActivityChanged on
    6313KOBER 5 BB17466EVIN 5 BBKOBER 5 BB = EVIN 5 BB
    Evin 5 BB (9174Mtp1 is an accession in the Vassal grapevine collection (FRA139) and proved to be matching Kober 5 BB, Code 9171 in the same collection. Source: Réseau Français des Conservatoires de Vigne.
    assignment to a different prime name2021-03-15
    6313KOBER 5 BB12337TELEKI 59 BKOBER 5 BB = TELEKI 59 B
    Teleki 59 B (9000Mtp429) is an accession in the Vassal grapevine collection (FRA139) and proved to be matching Teleki 5 BB, Code 9171 in the same collection. Source: Réseau Français des Conservatoires de Vigne.
    assignment to a different prime name2023-08-01