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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 1-100 of 3,421 items.
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    Source codeAuthorTitle (access to prime names)Journal title / publisherYear
    451ANONYMOUSCatalogue des variétés et clones de vigne cultivés en FranceENTAV, Domaine de l'Espiguette, 30240 Le Grau du Roi1995
    419ALCALDE, A.J.VIII. Curso de Ampelografia. Cultivares viticolas cuyanasInstituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria, Mendoza
    1479MAGHRADZE, D.TRIOs: Kinships of Georgian Variatiespersonal communication2023
    20007WHITING, J.Characteristics of grapevine rootstocksagnote - Dep. of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Irymple1986
    39GALET, P.Rapport sur la viticulture en Afghanistan. II. AmpélographieVitis 9, 15-461970
    1176SCHMID, J.; MANTY, F.; LINDNER, B.Geisenheimer Rebsorten und KloneForschungsanstalt Geisenheim, Fachgebiet Rebenzüchtung und Rebenveredlung2019
    1411TURKOVIC, Z.Prilog pitanju uvodenja nove sorte vinove loze Rizvanac--Mu¨ller-ThurgauPoljoprivredni nakladni zavod, Zagreb, 485-4891956
    349MEISSNER, R.Katechismus des WeinbausEugen Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart1927
    417CINDRIC, P.; KORAC, N.; KOVAC, V.Sorte vinove lozePrometej, Novi Sad1994
    996ORRÙ, M.; GRILLO, O; VENORA, G; BACCHETTA, G.Computer vision as a method complementary to molecular analysis: grapevine cultivar seeds case studyComptes Rendus Biologies 335 (9) 602-15 2012
    586SCHMID, J.; MANTY, F.; LINDNER, B.Geisenheimer Rebsorten und KloneForschungsanstalt Geisenheim, Fachgebiet Rebenzüchtung und Rebenveredlung2009
    20037FREGONI, M.La CEE prudente sulla coltivazione degli ibridiVignevini 17 (12) 17-231990
    11784KIREEVA, L. K.Neue Rebsorte Tsitronnyi MagarachaVinograd i Vino Rossii 51998
    1524VIVAI COOPERATIVI RAUSCEDOhttps://www.vivairauscedo.com/en/
    1523LAZAREVSKI, M. A.Liste und kurze Charakteristik der Rebsorten, die durch die Abteilung Weinbau und Kellerwirtschaft des Staatl. Botanischen Gartens Nikitka in Umlauf gebracht werdenR.S.F.S.R. Volkskommissariat der Landwirtschaft, Abteilung für Weinbau und Kellerwirtschaft, Yalta - Magarach1930
    112FORT, J.; DOHNAL, T.Ceské Ovoce, 5: Vinna reva (Czech)Graficke Unie A.S. V Praze1940
    466DALMASSO, G.Un problema ampelografico risoltoTreviso, Soc. An. Longo & Zoppelli1937
    577ANONYMOUSCatalogue des variétés et clones de vigne cultivés en France 2ème éditionInstitut Francais de la Vigne et du Vin (ENTAV-ITV)2007
    548BANDINELLI, R.; BOSELLI, M.; PISANI, P. L.; BUCELLI, P.; LELLI, L.; LORIERI, P. P.; SCALABRELLI, G.; D'ONOFRIO, C.; FERRONI, G.; MATTEI, G.; PAOLICCHI, S.; STORCHI, P.; ARMANNI, A. B.; LAZZARA, S.; LEPRINI, M.; PIERI, M.Il germoplasma viticolo della Toscana - 1. Vitigni ad uva neraA.R.S.I.A.- Agenzia Regionale per lo Sviluppo e l'Innovazione nel settore Agricolo-forestale, I-Firenze2005
    452AMBROSI, H.; DETTWEILER-MÜNCH, E.; RÜHL, E.H.; SCHMID, J.; SCHUMANN, F.Farbatlas Rebsorten 300 Sorten und ihre WeineEugen Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart1998
    40950ILNITSKAYA, E. T.; MAKARKINA, M. V.; TOKMAKOV, S. V.; NAUMOVA, L. G.DNA marker identification of downy mildew resistance locus Rpv10 in grapevine genotypesVavilovskii Zhurnal Genet Selektsii (2) 129-134
    1521ANONYMOUSSortenliste der in Deutschland zugelassenen Sorten von KulturpflanzenReichsnährstandsverlag G.m.b.H., Berlin1942
    469BOUBALS, D.Les vins blancs rares du mondeProgrès Agricole et Viticole 113 (13-14) 301-3071996
    1520FENNELL, J. L.Inheritance studies with the tropical grapeThe Journal of Heredity 39 (2) 54-641948
    10464ANONYMOUSBerlandieri x Riparia Kober 5 BBVinohrad 1 (1)1963
    20038GARCIA DE LUJAN, A.; MORALES GODINEZ, M; GARRIDO QUIJANO, A.; LARA BENITEZ, M.Caracteristicas de nuevas variedades de vid obtenidas por hibridacionIII Jornadas Universitarias sobre el Jerez, Univ. de Cádiz (Puerto Real)1988
    20039HEMSTAD, P.; PLOCHER, T.Growing grapes in MinnesotaMinnesota Grape Growers Association1990
    11778CHENG JIANHUI; WEI LINGZHU; XIANG JIANG; ZHENG TING; WU JIANGA new table grape cultivar Tiangong YuzhuJournal of Fruit Science 40 (10) 2283-22862023
    1519YUSUPOV, K. S.; KATS, Y. F.; PREOPRAZHENSKII, A. A.; ZHURAVEL, M. S.Important grapevine varieties in UzbekistanStaatl. Verlag der Uzbekischen SSR, Tashkent; Russia1959
    345TRUMMER, F. X.Nachtrag zur systematischen Klassifikation und Beschreibung der im Herzogtum Steiermark vorkommenden RebensortenK.K. Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft in Steiermark, Grätz1855
    1292COSTANTINI, E.; MATTALONI, C.; PETRUSSI, C.La vite nella storia e nella cultura del Friuli, Vol.1 - 2FORUM Editrice Universitaria Udinese srl, 33100 Udine; Italy2007
    302RATHAY, E.Geschlechtsverhältnisse der Reben u. ihre Bedeutung für den Weinbau, 1.TeilK.K. Hofbuchhandlung Wilhelm Frick Wien1888
    10751PAVLOUSEK, P.; SOTOLAR, R.; KORPAS, A.Grapevine Genetic Resources in Czech Republic - New Interspecific Grape Varietis in this CollectionActa Horticulturae (827) 197-1982009
    427AMBROSI, H.; DETTWEILER, E.; RÜHL, E.H.; SCHMID, J.; SCHUMANN, F.Farbatlas Rebsorten 300 Sorten und ihre WeineEugen Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart1994
    1476MAGHRADZE, D.; ROSSONI, M.; IMAZIO, S.; MAITTI, C.; FAILLA, O.; DEL ZAN, F.; CHKHARTISHVILI, N.; SCIENZA, A.Genetic and phenetic exploration of Georgian grapevine germplasmActa Horticulturae, Belgium (827) 107-1142009
    571SCHNEIDER, A.; MANNINI, F.Vitigni del Piemonte. Varietà et CloniRegione Piemonte, I-Torino2006
    1475IMAZIO, S.; DE MATTIA, F.; LABRA, M.; FAILLA, O.; SCIENZA, A.; GRASSI, F.Biodiversity and conservation of Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestrisActa Horticulturae, Belgium (827) 95-1012009
    11268HUANG FENGZHU; PENG HONGXIANG; LYU GUIFENG; LI DONGBO; LI HONGLIBreeding of 'Gui Pu No.2' - a new hybrids of downy grapeJournal of Fruit Science, 32 (1) 166-1682015
    10818WANG, LI-JUN; LI, SHENG-CHEN;FAN, PEI-GE; YANG, MEI-RONG; WU, BEN-HONG; DUAN, WEI; LI, LIAN-SHENG; ZONG, JING-YI; ZHANG, YING-ZHU; WEN, LI-ZHU; ZHANG, FENG-QIN; LUO, FANG-MEI; LI, SHAO-HUAA red high quality and resistance wine grape cultivar 'Beimei'Acta Horticulturae Sinica 36 (7) 10842009
    1518GUTIÉRREZ-GAMBOA, G.; LIU, SHU- YAN; SUN, XIANGYU; FANG, YULINOenological potential and health benefits of Chinese non-Vitis vinifera species: An opportunity to the revalorization and to breed new varietiesFood Research International 137 (Art. 109443) 15 pp.2020
    1517DEARING, CH.Muscadine GrapesUnited States Department of Agriculture, Farmers' Bulletins no. 1785, Washington D. C.1938
    1516ANONYMOUSCorrespondenzblatt des Württembergischen Landwirthschaftlichen VereinsLandwirthschaftlicher Verein, Vol.15, Stuttgart und Tübingen, J.G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung1829
    568DEL ZAN, F.; FAILLA, O.; SCIENZA, A.La Vite e l'Uomo, dal Rompicapo delle Origini al Salvataggio delle ReliquieEditoriale Lloyd - San Dorligo della Valle - Trieste2004
    1515LEAO, P. C. S.; DE LIRA, M. M. C.; DE MORAES, D. S.; DA SILVA, E. R.Rootstocks for table grape 'BRS Maria Bonita' in the São Francisco Valley, northeast BrazilActa Horticulturae (1248) 375-3792019
    11777MA LI; SUN LINGJUN; GAO SHENGHUA; ZHU SHOKUN; GUO JIANSHUO; QIAO JUNBreeding report of a new table grape cultivar Yuexia XiangfengJournal of Fruit Science 40 (6) 1261-12642023
    11776DONG SHIYUN; CHENG CHENCHEN; HE WEIHUA; GUAN XUEQIANG; FANG JINGGUI; LI BO; DU YUANPENG; ZHANG ZHICHANGBreeding report of a new table grape cultivar Zhichang ZifengJournal of Fruit Science 39 (11) 2193-21962022
    687PULLIAT, V.; MAS, A.Le vignoble: histoire, culture et description des vignes à raisins de table et à raisins de cuve les plus généralement connues. Réédition intégrale de l'édition de 1874-1879Quatuor édition1996
    1383BARRON, A. F.Vines and Vine CultureJournal of Horticulture, London1887
    1500BRONNER, J. PH.Die Bereitung der Rothweine und deren zweckmäßigste BehandlungHeinrich Ludwig Brönner, Frankfurt am Main1856
    1514AEBERHARD, M.Die amerikanische Vitis Labrusca und ihre bekanntesten UnterartenBern, Schweiz2004
    1513CLARK, M. D.; LUBY, J. J.; ATUCHA, A.'Clarion' grapevine: a white wine cultivar for Midwest United States productionHortScience 58 (2) 231-233 2023
    1512HARDY, J. A.Catalogue de l'école des vignes de la pépinière du Luxembourg, 1er février 1848Paris1848
    335O. I. V.Liste de cépages de cuves classés et de leurs synonymesO.I.V., Paris1991
    1510MARTI, C.; CASANOVA, J.; MONTANER, C.; BADIA, D.Ampelometric study of mature leaves from two indigenous Vitis cultivars grown in Somontano de BarbastroJournal of Wine Research 17 (3) 185-1942006
    1509CAESAR, W.Persischer Wein - ein vergessenes Kapitel WeingeschichteDeutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau 91 (2) 44-491995
    423NEMETH, M.Borszölöfajtak hatarozokulcsa (Ungarn)Mezögazdasagi Kiado, Budapest1966
    11774WU WEIMIN; WANG ZHUANGWEI; QIAN YAMING; WANG XICHENG; WANG BO; YAN LICHUNA new early-ripening table grape cultivar 'Zijin Hongxia'Acta Horticulturae Sinica 50 (S1) 25-26 2023
    10011WILLIAMS, C.F.; NESBITT, W.B.; UNDERWOOD, V.H."Doreen" Muscadine grapeHortScience 17 (2) 276-2781982
    10541WILLIAMS, C.F.; NESBITT, W.B.; OVERCASH, J.P.RegaleHorticultural Science 17 (2) 2761982
    232BROOKS, R.M.; OLMO, H.P.Register of new Fruit and Nut Varieties, List 02University of California Press, Berkeley1972
    381ANDERSEN, P. C.Performance of Cultivars and Selections of Muscadine grapes in North CaliforniaFruit Varieties Journal 46 (4) 225-2491992
    1508GOLDY, R.Grape breeding in North CarolinaPresentation at: Florida Grape Growers Association June 6, 19871987
    1504DOGAN, A.; UYAK, C.; SADAY, M.Hizan (Bitlis) yöresinde yetistirilen yerel üzüm cesitlerinin ampelografik tanimlanmasiYüzüncü Yil Üniversitesi Journal of Agricultural Sciences 27 (3) 424-4352017
    1507ANONYMOUS1890-1930 - 40 Jahre Rebschulen TelekiEmil Siegel, Wien1930
    1505DOGAN, A.; UYAK, C.; ILHAN, E.Adiyaman merkez ilcede yetistirilen yerel üzüm cesitlerinin ampelografik tanimlanmasiYüzüncü Yil Üniversitesi Journal of Agricultural Sciences 27 (1) 118-1312017
    1331ESMEK, I.; VURGUN, H.; KARADOGAN, B.; KALKAN, N. N.; ÜNLÜ, H. M.; ALBAYRAK, S.Collection, conservation and morphological characterization of grapevine genetic resources in Eastern Anatolia RegionActa Horticulturae (1297) 69-74 2020
    1506SERHAT, M. I.; EYDURAN, S. P.; ASLANTAS, R.Igdir yöresinde yetistirilen yerel üzüm cesitlerinin ampelografik özelliklerinin belirlenmesiYüzüncü Yil Üniversitesi Journal of Agricultural Sciences 27 (4) 634-6452017
    1502ZWEIGELT, F.Die Direktträgerfrage im Lichte des MassenweinbauesSonderabdruck aus "Das Weinland" Nr. 3, 4, 5, 61936
    119HUSMAN, G.C.; DEARING, CH.The Muscadine GrapesUnited States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, Bulletin 2731913
    1503LEVADOUX, L.; BOUBALS, D.; RIVES, M.Le genre Vitis et ses espècesAnnales de l'Amélioration des Plantes 12 (1) 19-441962
    11773LI, C.New taxa of Vitaceae from YunnanActa Botanica Yunnanica 19 (3) 217-2201997
    1501KOEHLER, F.Untersuchungen über Most- und Weintrauben-Arten Würtembergs: eine Inaugural-DissertationSchönhardt'sche Schriften, Tübingen1826
    1499KORUNOSKA, B.; PESIC, V.; BUNJAC, N.Identification and examination of certain cytogenetic characteristics of some autochthonous varieties of grapevine in Republic of North MacedoniaGenetika 55 (1) 439-454 2023
    1498BRANDONE, C.Albarossa, Cornarea e PassauVignevini (9) 47-492000
    11771MARANGONI, B.; VENTURI, A.; FONTANA, M.Uva LonganesiVignevini (7/8) 63-672000
    11770XIANG JIANG; CHENG JIANHUI; WEI LINGZHU; ZHENG TING; DU XIAOGUANG; WU PING; WU JIANGA new muscat flavor table grape cultivar Tiangong LirenJournal of Fruit Science 40 (5) 1044-1047 2023
    1497RAMISHVILI, M.Institut Georgien d'Arboriculture, de Viticulture et de VignificationImprimerie offset Selkhozizdata1962
    1495INGLEZ DE SOUSA, J. S.Mutações somáticas na videira NiagaraBragantia, Campinas 27 (18) 387-4151959
    1494BOIDRON, R.Le Pinot noir : De l'origine à nos joursProgrès Agricole et Viticole, Montpellier 128 (21) 432-443, (22) 462-476, (23) 497-512, (24) 522-5302011
    1493MA ZHIYAO; NIE ZELONG; LIU XIUQUN; TIAN JINGPU; ZHOU YONGFENG; ZIMMER, E.; WEN JUNPhylogenetic relationships, hybridization events, and drivers of diversification of east Asian wild grapes as revealed by phylogenomic analysesJournal of Systematics and Evolution 61 (2) 273-283 2023
    1492DUMITRU, A. M. I.; MANOLESCU, A. E.; SUMEDREA, D. I.; POPESCU, C. F.; COSMULESCU, S.Genetic diversity of some autochthonous white grape varieties from Romanian germplasm collectionsCzech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 59 (2) 55-66 2023
    1490ARTHOLD, M.Die Weinbaugebiete und Weine der OstmarkAgrarverlag, Wien1938
    1488CAMARGO, U. A.; DIAS, M. F.Identificação Ampelográfica de Videiras Americanas e Híbridas Cultivadas na MRH 311EMBRAPA-CNPUV. Circular Técnica 121986
    40949RÖCKEL, F.; MAUL, E.; TÖPFER, R.; SAVVIDES, S.Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) genetic diversity of Cyprus, investigation of kinshipsin preparation2023-2024
    40948RODRIGUES, J. A.The Cunningham grape cultivar's DNA fingerprinting data show that it is a vinifera-aestivalis hybrid originating from the selfing of the Red Bland grape - a 200 year-old mystery finally solvedRodrigues 2023
    1487MUNOZ ORGANERO, G.; MAUL, E.Hondarrabi Zuri = Courbu blancpersonal communication2023
    1485KOTTE, M.Observations sur la résistance de certains hybrides au Mildiou (1) et au RoterbrennerProgrés Agricole et Viticole (83) 13-151925
    1484ALDWINCKLE HS; IIZUKA M; SLOTEN DHVANIBPGR Fruit Germplasm Mission to the People's Republic of China 29 July - 9 August 1984International Board for Plant Genetic Resources Secretariat, Rome1984
    1483OLIEN, W.C.The Muscadine grape: Botany, viticulture, history, and current industryHortScience 25 732-739 1990
    11769SUN LEI; YAN AILING; ZHANG GUOJUN; WANG HUILING; WANG XIAOYUE; REN JIANCHENG; XU HAIYINGA new table grape cultivar 'Ruidu Mozhi'Acta Horticulturae Sinica 50 (3) 685-686 2023
    11768LI MINMIN; YIN YONGGANG; HAN BIN; LIU CHANGJIANG; SUN YAN; JIA NAN; ZENG QINGMING; GUO ZIJUANBaoguang, an early-season large berry table grape cultivarJournal of Fruit Science 40 (4) 815-817 2023
    20083RANDHAWA, G.S.; SINGH, J.P.Varietal diversity and improvement of grapesIndian Journal of Horticulture 15 (3/4) 220-2271958
    1482NIKOLIC, D.; RANKOVIC-VASIC, Z.; PETROVIC, A.; MATIJASEVIC, S.; LISOV, N.; PLAVSIC, I.Characteristics of newly created grapevine varieties Vozd and VladunGenetika 54 (3) 991-1004 2022
    11767ANONYMOUSBlatt für SortenwesenAmtsblatt des Bundessortenamtes 56 (5) 1-342023
    1481ANONYMOUSBlatt für SortenwesenAmtsblatt des Bundessortenamtes 56 (3) 1-222023
    40947MELADZE, M.; MAMASAKHLISASHVILI, L.; UJMAJURIDZE, L.; MIGLIARO, D.; DOMANDA, C.; RUSTIONI, L.Neglected cultivars for the Mtskheta-Mtianeti region (East Georgia): ampelography, phenology, and agro-climatologyVitis 62 (2) 75-842023
    1480HALBROOKS, M.; ELMSTROM, G.; MORTENSEN, J.; HOPKINS, D.; BATES, B.; SIMS, C.Florida Muscadine GrapesMuscadine Grape Field Day. Leesburg AREC Research Report (LBG 86-12)1986
    10169RIVES, M.; POUGET, R.Le Chasselas Gros Coulard - Mutant TétraploideVitis (2) 1-71959
    1478SPRING J.-L., ZUFFEREY V., VERDENAL T., DURUZ P., LORENZINI F., BOURDIN G., REYNARD J.-S., CARLEN C., MURISIER F., VIRET O., BOVARD L.-PH.Die tausendundeine Gesichter der Traubensorte Gutedel (Chasselas).Agroscope, Changins. Sonderausgabe, September2020
    1477TSIVELIKAS, A. L.; AVRAMIDOU, E. V.; RALLI, P. E.; GANOPOULOS, I. V.; MOYSIADIS, T.; KAPAZOGLOU, A.; ARAVANOPOULOS, F. A.; DOULIS, A. G.Genetic diversity of Greek grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars using ampelographic and microsatellite markersPlant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization 20 (2) 124-136 2022