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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC

Bibliography in which the synonym was cited

Showing 1-4 of 4 items.
  1. Synonym: BLANCIO
Show rows:
Source codeAuthorTitleJournal title / publisherYearPage
571SCHNEIDER, A.; MANNINI, F.Vitigni del Piemonte. Varietà et CloniRegione Piemonte, I-Torino2006295, fig.
760ROBINSON, JANCIS; HARDING, JULIA; VOUILLAMOZ, JOSÉWine grapes. A complete guide to 1.368 vine varieties, including their origins and flavoursPenguin Books Ltd.2012419
980CHANTON, J.-M.Geschichte und Marktpotenzial alter RebsortenSchweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau (24) 6-920138
40429SCHNEIDER, A.; RAIMONDI, S.; RUFFA, P.Gouais blancItalian Vitis Database2014