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Vitis International Variety Catalogue VIVC


Showing 1-8 of 8 items.

    Prime name: DIDSHAVI

    Variety number VIVC: 3554

Show rows:
Source codeOriginal title (access to prime names)AuthorBibliographical sourceYearCultivar name as given in bibliographyPage
74Catalogue of the Grapevine Collections of the USSRKATARJAN, T.G.Yalta1962DIDCHAVI136
505Dictionnaire Encyclopédique des CépagesGALET, P.Hachette2000DIDCHAVI254
518Development of national programmes on plant genetic resources in Southeastern Europe - conservation and sustainable use of grapevine genetic resources in the Caucasus and Northern Black Sea regionMAGHRADZE, D.2006DIDSHAVI41
568La Vite e l'Uomo, dal Rompicapo delle Origini al Salvataggio delle ReliquieDEL ZAN, F.; FAILLA, O.; SCIENZA, A.Editoriale Lloyd - San Dorligo della Valle - Trieste2004DIDSCIAVI335, fig.
40862Study of genetic variability in Vitis vinifera L. germplasm by high-throughput Vitis18kSNP array: the case of Georgian genetic resources.LORENZIS, G. DE; CHIPASHVILI, R.; FAILLA, O.; MAGHRADZE, D.BMC Plant Biology 15 (154) 2015DIDSHAVI3
40895Parentage Atlas of Italian Grapevine Varieties as Inferred From SNP GenotypingD’ONOFRIO, C.; TUMINO, G.; GARDIMAN, M.; CRESPAN, M.; BIGNAMI, C.; DE PALMA, L.; BARBAGALLO, M. G.; MUGANU, M.; MORCIA, C.; NOVELLO, V.; SCHNEIDER, A.; TERZI, V.Frontiers in Plant Science (11) 16 pp. 2021DIDSHAVISuppl.
854Dictionnaire encyclopédique des cépages et de leurs synonymesGALET, P.Éditions Libre & Solidaire (M.E.C.)2015DIDCHAVI382
40944Unravelling kinships and grape (Vitis vinifera L.) genetic diversity existing in TranscaucasiaMAUL, E. ET AL.in preparation2023DIDSHAVISuppl.